From social media to hand printed advertising, let us invigorate your projects with professional design and videography. Wendigo can bring fresh ideas to the table and push your advertising campaign to the next level. Using our experienced advertising team we will ensure your project goes the right direction and gains the traction your business needs.


Online advertising is now the principal form of communication in the world.

For information or for business interaction, where do you go? You go online; you type it in and there it is. We have experience in generating online content and strategies to make the most out of this all encompassing advertising medium. Get the utmost from your social media, adverts and communication with Wendigo at the helm.

King Johns

Copywriting / Taglines

To help you get the most from your advertising efforts Wendigo can provide Copywriting script to supplement the visual image. Copywriting is the catchphrase script or tagline, that accompanies your presentation such as “every little helps” or “under the tree at”. Wendigo can produce this type of creative wording for any form of communication.

Wakeboard Boots

Video Advertising

Wendigo specializes in video communications. We can create powerful, eye catching video that will get your viewers talking. We use a variety of professional standard videoing techniques to conceptualize and develop exciting new ideas. Video is now the optimal way of showing off your business, training your staff and advertising your products.

Wakeboard Image

If you are not generating video content for your business you are at a competitive disadvantage. Get in contact today and lets talk about how we can help you create a video masterpiece.

The Lads at Wendigo did a great job of creating a unique logo for the Fragforce Team. It has been applied onto jumpers all the way down to our cups. I would recommend them to take care of your future business.

Fragforce Ireland

Sound Advertising

Create your advert for Radio or Online usage

Record your sound with us and get it out on all forms of media available to you, including your website, social media, online adverts and of course, radio. Simple introduction radio adverts no longer suffice for today’s business climate. We at Wendigo can design creative sound clips utilizing conceptual ideas to cut through the noise and get your business noticed!

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